Anton Paar Micro Combi Tester (MCT3)- STeP4 Surface Testing Platform with heating/cooling
Instrumented micro-indentation and scratch testing
Load range (Fn): 0.1mN – 30 N
Attached optical microscope
Used for splat adhesion testing
Temperature range available: -150 to 450 C
Anton Paar TRB³
Pin-on-disk tribometer with heating/cooling module
Different kinematics (reciprocating, unidirectional)
Normal load range: up to 60 N
Friction force range: up to 10 N
Linear speed range: up to 100 mm/s
Rotational speed range: up to 500 rpm
Temperature range: -150 to 450 C

Ubi Nanomechanical Testing Instrument
Smaller format platform
Top down optics (x20 mag.)
Loading up to 20 mN
AFM-type scanning capability
Triboindenter Nanomechanical Testing Instrument
Larger platform with top down optics (x100 mag.)
Loading up to 20 mN AFM-type scanning capability
Performech controller provides enhanced feedback control & lower noise floor
Heating stage to 400°C

Zygo - 3D profilometer
Three objectives (2.75x, 10x, 50x)
Three field of views (0.5x, 1x, 2x)
Motorized stage
Image stitching
Automated profiling
Advance analysis tools
Hysitron PI 88 SEM PicoIndenter
Advanced sample positioning
Upgradability to full suite of testing techniques
Nanoindentation, compression, tension, or bending test modes

Teer Coatings Ltd
Magnetron sputter ion plating
Four magnetron systems for deposition of wide range of coatings
Double walled water cooled, vertical axis, stainless steel chamber
Capacitance manometer
Renishaw Raman spectroscopy
Two lasers (514 nm and 785 nm)
Line scans- Area mapping
Volume scan
Time series
Advance analysis tools

In Situ Tribometer
Basic system capabilities
Normal loads up to 20 N
Linear reciprocating motion
Sliding velocities up to 10 mm/s
Friction coefficients (average per cycle and spatially resolved along wear track)
In situ capabilities
Video record with HD camera
Raman spectroscopy
Off-line video analysis software
McGill Aerospace Materials and Alloy Design Center
Cold spray facility at NRC-Boucherville
Plasma Giken